Featured Audio
2013 Website and Traditions by Jonathan C 398c
Voices of Recovery
Voices of Recovery is the culmination of a decade-long project that features hundreds of submissions from members of the fellowship on dozens of topics. The 366 meditations (one for every day) are only a small fraction of the actual submissions. Furthermore, volunteers spent many hours reviewing, revising, and editing the entries so they would be ready for publication.
Tools of Recovery
One of the basic principles of SAA is that one sex addict helps another. Tradition Eight says that Sex Addicts Anonymous is non-professional. “We are all sex addicts who desire to stop addictive sexual behavior...If SAA were to offer professional help, the essential nature of our meetings and our program would be altered beyond recognition” (Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 89)
- The SAA newsletter, The Outer Circle, is published bi-monthly by the International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA. It is available without cost to download from this website or by requesting a hard copy by writing to info@saa-recovery.org.
Sobriety Calculator

SAA Fellowship is Here for You
The opposite of addiction is connection.