Tools of Recovery


Identify, Don't Compare
When we first enter SAA, it can sometimes be tempting to compare our own behavior with that of others.  When we concen­trate on differences, imagining that their sexual conduct is much more (or much less) serious than ours, we make judgments that inadvertently reinforce our own denial. 


December 13
Throughout all of these ups and downs, I have had one huge blessing...I have had the loving support of the SAA fellowship.


About Tools of Recovery

One of the basic principles of SAA is that one sex addict helps another. Tradition Eight says that Sex Addicts Anonymous is non-professional. “We are all sex addicts who desire to stop addictive sexual behavior...If SAA were to offer professional help, the essential nature of our meetings and our program would be altered beyond recognition” (Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 89).

The work of SAA is not professional. The pathway, the solution, and the tools the fellowship offers are not the tools of a therapist, but rather those of members who are sex addicts and have lived their own recovery.

The booklet Tools of Recovery does not include all possible tools, but it does include a treasure box of tools that have helped thousands of addicts recover. Like all literature, Tools of Recovery is best read and discussed with one's sponsor or others in recovery.

The Outer Circle (will need to adjust some links)

The SAA newsletter, The Outer Circle, is published bi-monthly by the International Service Organization (ISO) of SAA. It is available without cost to download from this website or by requesting a hard copy by writing to

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SAA Fellowship is Here for You

The opposite of addiction is connection.