December 13
Throughout all of these ups and downs, I have had one huge blessing...I have had the loving support of the SAA fellowship.
About The Outer Circle
The newsletter, which began in the late 1980s as The Plain Brown Rapper, contains original articles and poetry about sex addiction written by members of the fellowship. It also presents timely news of ISO and regional activities and other information of interest to members of the fellowship.
SAA meetings are encouraged to share, read from, and display the newsletter alongside other SAA literature.
Groups, intergroups, and areas can link to and print the current issue here.
If you have comments or suggestions for The Outer Circle, send them to the editor of The Outer Circle by email. or by postal mail to the ISO office. To have an article considered for publication, see our writer’s guidelines.
To ensure that future issues can be offered without cost to members of the fellowship, please consider making a tax-deductible donation now to support publication of the newsletter. You can make a donation right now on-line by a secure, encrypted transaction.
Use our online form to submit to The Outer Circle.
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SAA Fellowship is Here for You
The opposite of addiction is connection.