December 7
“We gradually learn to be honest about our feelings with others, while being open to their feelings as well. In the process, we learn to express our affection rather than seek power and control.”
Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 72
Today, as I write this, I am quite depressed. The business I have worked for years to build is failing. If things continue the way they are going, in a short time, it will no longer exist.
The most painful part of this process is watching how it is hurting people I care about. I have worked, planned, laughed and grown old with these people. Now I am learning to cry with them. I am learning other lessons as well. I am reminded that my position, my title and my material possessions pale in importance to my relationships with my loved ones. When all else is gone, I will still have them. They do not love me for my title or for what I have accomplished. They love me for who I am.
The people in my group care about me because of who I am, not what I do. In fact, many do not know what I do for a living. We haven’t gotten around to it. We are focused on other things like recovery, spirituality and emotions. These are the things that will remain, regardless of my business’s fate. These are the things that matter to me.
Thanks to SAA I am able to have real connections with people. I think they call it love.