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July 17

“But if we are patient and open-minded, we will discover an understanding of a Higher Power that is unique to us, and that we are comfortable with.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 27

The focus on spirituality was a problem when I started recovery. I just figured I would find a way to work around it. Fortunately, I also heard something that made sense: spiritual fitness, like physical fitness, requires exercise and time. My spiritual self had pretty much withered from neglect.

My sponsor emphasized that the Second and Third Steps could be a journey to finding a Higher Power that I connected with. The idea of a personal Higher Power started to become more important, interesting, and exciting. Then I started to hear the great diversity of spiritual approaches that my fellows in the program have, and that was, at least, interesting.

One day, a member described how she connected to her Higher Power through an element of nature. Wow! I had always felt a deep connection with this same element. Hearing her allowed me to see how personal and meaningful a Higher Power could be. I now listened more carefully in meetings, read spiritual works, and worked on my Second and Third Steps. Gradually, with exercise and time, the notion of a Higher Power and a working relationship with that power, that is, spirituality, emerged. The journey towards a Higher Power and to greater spiritual fitness has been the cornerstone of my recovery, and a gift I never imagined I would receive.

If I start with an open mind and a little willingness, my Higher Power can do a lot.