March 16
“Whatever method we use, we make ourselves available to our Higher Power, opening ourselves to whatever insight we may receive.”
Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 57
I appreciate the Green Book’s definitions of prayer and meditation, prayer being simply talking with my Higher Power, which can be both sharing what is going on in my life, my struggles and my challenges, as well as an opportunity to ask for help. Meditation is then about listening, about slowing down and being open to the answers and direction from the God of my understanding.
My core prayer is the Serenity Prayer, and I turn to it regularly for guidance, patience, and courage to live life on life’s terms. I also try to start each day with a simple prayer, giving my day to my Higher Power. I try to close each day giving thanks for what has happened.
I am still exploring ways to meditate. I take walks or bike-rides, and simply try to get in tune with the world around me. Sometimes it is finding quiet time at home. And of course, there is my recovery work that pertains to written meditations, both those that I read each day, and those that I write, like this one. The reflection helps me gain new insight into my life and my path.
My spiritual connection is like any other relationship—I need to show up and participate in it to keep it strong, healthy and vibrant. My Higher Power is always there to help me along.
More will be revealed if I keep the door open.