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March 19

“Sex Addicts Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 89

Tradition Eight gives me freedom. In my professional life, I have developed skills, knowledge, and experience. Unfortunately, I have also developed a lot of pride in my work and feel most confident when I am living from that part of myself. My shame led me to hide behind my professionalism, even when I was involved in things that are not part of my work. I bonded much of my identity to my work.

I wanted to hide behind my professionalism in SAA, too. Of course, I had no real experience, knowledge, or skill with recovery at first, so I tried to fake it. I wanted to be a professional SAA recovering person, whatever that is.

Through Tradition Eight, I realized that my approach was wrong. Hiding behind my image actually limited me. I needed to be an SAA rookie and an SAA seeker. I had to be open.

This tradition freed me from the straightjacket of my false pride. It also freed me to live a new way. I can be vulnerable, I can admit that I do not know everything and do not have to, and I can let other people lead. I can let whatever skills, knowledge, and experience I developed serve others rather than serve my ego.

The non-professionalism of the program offers me freedom from my false identity and freedom to discover the real me.