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November 21

“We need faith and strength to carry out God’s will, for we cannot always foresee the results of the actions we are being led to take, or take into account all possible side effects.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 58

Some talk of getting out of the driver’s seat and letting God take the wheel. My experience indicates a different version of that analogy for my spiritual journey.

For me, God is in the passenger seat with the itinerary and maps. I am in the driver’s seat waiting on the next opportunity and suggestion. I must watch the road, operate the vehicle, and check the rear-view mirror. However, God promises to direct and lead me, one turn at a time, to a place that is good for me, and promises to never abandon my vehicle. God also encourages me to enjoy the view whirring by. God gives me opportunities to pick up other travelers and give them rides until they find their own cars, and shows me when to slow down and let others pass or turn in front of me.

As an addict, I’d rather park the car, interpret the directions, and predict where I’m going and when I will get there. I may even get into others’ cars and tell them how to drive. This effectively halts any forward progress and always irritates the other drivers! When I get back into my own seat, start the motor, and listen for God’s directions, I am in the right place.

I have to drive my car, but for today, I will let my Higher Power be the navigator on this journey.