November 23
“We trusted that God would not give us more than we could handle.”
“Recovery from Compulsive Sexual Avoidance”
When I came into recovery, I was overwhelmed. I had recently been separated from my husband, who had been unfaithful. I didn’t think I could make it without his help, particularly as the parent of a young son with special needs. The first night our son went to spend the night at dad’s new apartment, I picked up a man and brought him home. I was caught by my husband and six-year-old son because my son had had an asthma attack, and the medication was at my house.
I became increasingly depressed. I stopped my own self-care and that of my son. I almost lost custody. I believe God took care of me. A friend who was a sex educator listened to my panic over my acting out and responsibilities. She suggested recovery from sex addiction and introduced me to the woman who became my sponsor.
My sponsor suggested I write out the Serenity Prayer and call her daily. We worked together sixteen years before she died of cancer. My life has improved, as has my son’s. My son says my sponsor saved his life because she saved mine.
I have faith that my Higher Power will never give me more than I can handle. Today I will trust in my Higher Power to take care of me.