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November 24

“Autonomy goes hand in hand with self-respect and a new sense of freedom, as we take responsibility for our groups and the carrying of our message.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 83

As a practicing addict, I thought highly of myself, strutting around like I was king of the world. I was so convinced I was in control, that I thought I should control others. I spent countless hours daydreaming of my rise to political power. I wrote political platforms, manifestos, and even constitutions.

Two failed marriages and fifteen years later, through the program of Sex Addicts Anonymous, I am just coming to learn what control really is, and it is not control of others. When I turned my will and my life over to God, I was taking control of my life for the first time. I was told that I am not responsible for my addiction, but that I am responsible for my recovery. In Sex Addicts Anonymous, the Steps are not forced upon me; they are offered as suggestions that have worked for many others. As I’ve seen my recovery strengthen and grow through working the Steps, I’ve come to know freedom and gain genuine self-respect.

With Tradition Four as a guide, the same holds true for our SAA groups. The ISO of SAA does not compel groups to operate according to any specific protocol, though it may offer the experience of other groups. Our groups form and operate autonomously. As the group carries the message of recovery, it too experiences freedom and self-respect.

We are united in purpose, while free to serve in diverse ways.