November 29
“My life is by no means perfect, but the tools that I have received from our program have given me the confidence and courage to achieve goals I had never thought possible.”
Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 214
Prayer and meditation can take many forms. In some situations, I can find great relief and strength in a short visualization I run on my mental screen. I’m sitting on the bench—dressed, practiced, and waiting. Our team is on the playing field. I so want to play. In the vision I say, “Coach, put me in. I want to play today.”
That scene leaves me centered, peaceful, patient, and looking for an opportunity to be of service to my Higher Power and to the people I will encounter today. My will is switched from designing the world as it should serve me, to how “Coach” can put me in the game of life to get the most for our team today. Awe fills me every time I play this mental video.
I am grounded in my decision, today, to turn my will and my life over to the care of my Higher Power. The trust and confidence from being rightly aligned leave me wondering about my Higher Power’s will for me in each situation. Outcomes include being joyful much of the time in the day, patient in traffic or with kooky drivers, able to listen attentively, and curiously drawn to investigate surprises, opportunities, and forks in the road.
Today, I’m patiently waiting for God’s will for me to unfold. It’s all opportunity.