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November 6

“It isn’t always easy to know when we’ve been wrong. We may not discover the truth about our behavior until later.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 54

Impulsiveness, a cunning component of my sex addiction, manifests itself in various ways. Therefore, it is vital that I review each of my days with either my sponsor or another member of the fellowship because I can only amend a potentially harmful behavior if I am aware of its presence.

Verbalizing the actions and decisions of my day with another person allows any middle-circle behaviors to be brought into the light. Some of the day’s good ideas that I acted upon can swiftly reveal themselves to be foolish once they have been reflected on with a trusted friend in the program.

The actions I take each day propel me towards either shame or grace. I accept that I will make mistakes along the way, but through vigilant implementation of the Tenth Step inventory, I can promptly adjust and redirect the path I trek. With the help of my Higher Power and program accountability peers, I am learning to be honest, open minded, and willing to receive feedback. I am moving toward grace, serenity, and recovery.

SAA has given me an incredible tool kit. I will use these tools today.