October 5
“We need faith and strength to carry out God’s will, for we cannot always foresee the results of the actions we are being led to take, or take into account all possible effects. Our belief that our Higher Power knows what is best for us, and that more will be revealed, grows as we work this step.”
Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 58
The idea of powerlessness often escaped me until I reached the Eleventh Step. Prior to this, I was terrified of my lack of personal power and had little faith there was any power greater than my compulsion to act out. As I remained abstinent and worked through the preceding Steps of SAA, I slowly began to awaken to a connection with a Power greater than myself. Along with that came the power within me to choose more and more aspects of sobriety. As that power grew within me, so did the layers and lengths of my sobriety.
As I continue my spiritual practice through prayer, meditation, and service, I am filled with a sense of purpose and clarity around the proper use of my will. There are so many choices available to me that were previously non-apparent. I am aware that all this comes from my Higher Power and that my life is a work in progress.
Through practice, I open to the power to carry out God’s will.