September 29
“Our experience has shown, however, that the shame and compulsivity associated with sexual addiction can best be healed by sharing openly with others who understand and accept us as
we are.”
“A Special Welcome to the Woman Newcomer”
Having made the decision to walk through the door, sit in the circle, and face fourteen men, I was not ready to share my story as a woman addicted to sex. Don’t misunderstand—I knew I was in the right place, but I did not know how to share my own shame and guilt. So I listened. What I heard was that, regardless of gender or specific behaviors, these men had the same feelings of desperation, regret, and remorse that I had. But more importantly, they had hope that through the program, the Twelve Steps, and sharing, they could stay sober one day at a time. It started with a declaration, “I am a sex addict,” and I was welcomed and accepted.
To me, recovery is an artistic gift to the world. It allows me to make beautiful life music. I make the world better by practicing my daily recovery plan.
I have since found my voice and openly share in meetings. By sharing thoughts and feelings that could lead to acting out, I bring them out of the shadows of secrecy and into the hope and strength of the group. Openly sharing helps me stay accountable to the group and my Higher Power. By sharing my own experience, strength, and hope, I offer the newcomer the same acceptance I was given.
Higher Power, help me remember that I am worthy of the acceptance given by my brothers and sisters in recovery, and that by sharing, I help myself and others.