September 9
“Every aspect of outreach…is a potential lifeline for a sex addict who may not know that recovery is available.”
Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 95
For me, sex addiction is a disease of relationships and of perspective. The more I isolate, the more distorted my perspective becomes. The more distorted my perspective becomes, the more I isolate.
I just heard of another brother who committed suicide. His home group meets on the day he killed himself. Why couldn’t he have persevered just long enough to make it to a meeting? When I hear about things like this, it makes me more determined than ever to carry the message to the addict who still suffers, as encouraged by the Twelfth Step. But for someone carrying the message to me, I might have gone that same path.
Too many times I have allowed my fear or pride to keep me from reaching out when I wasn’t sure someone needed my hand. Or I don’t reach out to the silent one at a meeting because I might be rejected. However, I believe that my Higher Power wants me to reach out even if it risks embarrassment, even if the hand that reaches out is rejected. I don’t want my fear or pride to keep me from this. The feelings that haunt me if I don’t are not worth the cold comfort of not risking just so I won’t get hurt. When I reach out, it strengthens my recovery, and it may just save a life, maybe mine.
God, grant me the courage to make the gesture that may save a life.