Feedback from sober individuals is a vital part of our program. On our own, it is difficult to get perspective on how we conducted our sex lives. A fellow recovering addict provides us with a more objective view of where we have been and where we are. He or she can also offer concrete suggestions for our recovery. As with any advice, we are always free to take it or leave it. In addition, we remind you that feedback also includes observations of strengths and recovery progress.
Some members get together in weekly “feedback groups.” These are not regular SAA meetings. Typically, they are small, closed groups of four to six people who commit to meet with each other on a regular basis. Each person, in turn, is given time to speak about what is happening in his or her recovery. This is followed by constructive feedback from the other members. It is important that the group maintain its focus on recovery from sex addiction. Anyone who feels the need can start a feedback group simply by asking others if they are interested. The group defines its own structure and guidelines. It is helpful to talk to other members of SAA who have been in feedback groups.