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Prayer provides a time for communing with our Higher Power.  Prayers may come from any tradition, be self-created, or simply be a spontaneous conversation with the God of our own understanding.  It is strongly suggested that we add prayer to our lives on a regular basis.  Developing a relationship with our Higher Power may take time.  In the beginning many of us had a belief in God that was tenuous at best; others of us were actively resistant toward the idea of a Higher Power.  The idea of a daily practice of prayer seemed difficult.  If this is true for you, you can begin by praying for the willingness to have a Higher Power be a part of your life.

There is no right or wrong way to pray.  We each choose what is most meaningful to us.  It is the act of prayer that is important.  We not only choose how we pray, but we also choose the content of our prayers.  Beyond asking for help with our recovery, consider praying in gratitude for what we have and for the well-being of others.  It is often enough just to pray for guidance.  We do not always need to have clarity about what we are praying for.  Praying simply for a relationship with a Higher Power can work wonders.

Some people find that a specific place or time for prayer can help make our practice more real and more personal.  Some choose a traditional house of worship or a special spot in their home—a place set apart from the responsibilities and activities of life.  Establishing a time each day for prayer and meditation, whether it is in the morning or before you go to sleep, helps bring the principles into daily life.

The Serenity Prayer (Appendix C) is widely used, and we recite it in most meetings.  It provides immediate comfort and is an expression of our desire to align ourselves with our Higher Power.  While in the throes of tension, anxiety, or insistent sexual urges some find it helpful to recite it over and over.  It is sometimes just what we need to relax our tension.

The wisdom contained in this prayer can also provide us with guidance when we are faced with figuring out the next right thing for ourselves.  We ask, what about this particular challenge can’t we change?  Once we identify what is beyond our control, we then try to turn it over to our Higher Power.  Next we ask, what can we change?  The question invites us to move into action.  Is a change of attitude in order or is this a good moment to use one of the many tools of SAA?  By inviting the God of our understanding to help us know the difference between what we can and can’t change, we often feel more at peace. Appendix C includes a variety of prayers often used in SAA.