Voices of Recovery
January 11
“A slogan that expresses one of the fundamental truths of the program is ‘one day at a time.’” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…
January 12
“Personal disclosure is easier for us when we can trust that our presence and what we share will be kept confidential.” Tools…
January 13
“I can take it a step at a time and gradually work my way toward spiritual health.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 324…
January 14
“We find that spiritual principles can guide us in the everyday challenges of life, and they can help us face even loss,…
January 15
“We can also list the things we feel guilty about. We look at things we did that we knew were wrong and…
January 16
“In gratitude, we seek opportunities for service to God and our fellow sex addicts. Our path leads to Step Twelve.” Sex Addicts…
January 17
“In taking the Tenth Step, we commit to keeping our house in order, whether old failings reappear or new ones arise, as…
January 18
“The message is not that we sit passively and wait for things to happen. Rather, it is a shift in our attitude in which we admit that we don’t always know where we should be going or how we should get there.”…
January 19
“Willingness to change routines that threaten our sobriety helps us stay out of our inner circle.” Tools of Recovery, page 14 Even…
January 20
“The Sixth Tradition wisely identifies money, property, and prestige as potential obstacles to effectively carrying our message of recovery.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 86…