Three circles

The Outer Circle May-Jun 2020
Navigating Online Meetings: Using the internet to combat isolation during the COVID-19 crisis…

July 7
The middle circle can be seen as a safety net, allowing us to walk the tightrope of abstinence without having to fear that a false step would necessarily be disastrous….

August 6
We share our program so that we can gain a balanced recovery and we do this by directly showing our three circles to our sponsor and to people in our group. Without this clarity we can continue to act out, because we are confused about what sobriety is for us…

August 10
Just as there was no question that the behaviors listed in our inner circle were compulsive, addictive, and therefore dangerous and destructive, so there is no question that the behaviors we list in our ‘outer circle’ bring recovery and are to be encouraged, praised and practiced….

August 12
As our recovery progresses, and we gain new understanding about ourselves and our addiction, we are free to add or delete behaviors, or move them from one circle to another, in order to reflect new growth and insights….

The Three Circles
The Three Circles is a tool we use to define our sexual sobriety. We organize our behaviors according to whether they are addictive, healthy, or somewhere in between. …