
The Outer Circle May-Jun 2020
Navigating Online Meetings: Using the internet to combat isolation during the COVID-19 crisis…

The Outer Circle, Jul-Aug 2020
The Spirituality of Sexuality: 10 ways to develop intimacy with Higher Power, self and others…

January 15
“We can also list the things we feel guilty about. We look at things we did that we knew were wrong and…

January 30
“Changing old routines that are associated with our addiction is an important tool for staying sober.” Tools of Recovery, page 13 I…

January 31
“We ask for and accept help, reaching out to other recovering sex addicts on a regular basis, instead of living in secrecy….

February 3
“A profound turning point in my recovery happened when I faced and embraced the pain of the emptiness I felt inside, which…

February 23
Best of all, the secret is out. There’s something liberating about sitting in a room announcing to others … that I am a sex addict….

March 26
We do not have to obsess about the past or worry about the future. We can turn our attention to the present, where we really live, and become open to new solutions….

April 13
For the first time I felt that I had a home and a family who supported me, understood me, and let me unload all my shame….