
April 14
Some of us write a history of our sex addiction, from as far back as we can remember up to the present, trying to leave nothing out….

June 3
With this step, we recognize that we have a disease, not a mere weakness or character flaw, and that we are powerless to change this fact….

June 6
Rather than struggling with our life’s challenges as if we are alone and need to ‘figure it out’ ourselves, we share our thoughts and feelings with our Higher Power…

September 27
It is the feeling that we are never good enough, that there is something wrong with us, that we are bad people. Shame played a part in the addictive cycle, undermining our resistance to
acting out….

November 4
The First Step is a matter of honesty and openness—in the shadows of aloneness we can trip and bury ourselves in shame….

November 11
As we continued working the Twelve Step program, we experienced the return of personal integrity and found a new sense of purpose in our lives….

November 14
When obsessive thoughts came into my mind, I learned to say the Serenity Prayer or the first three steps over and over, like a mantra….

December 15
Shame is a common experience for sex addicts. It is the feeling that we are never good enough, that there is something wrong with us, that we are bad people….

December 30
We see that we are becoming better people, and we begin to experience a new sense of self-worth. We feel free to live in the present and enjoy our lives, no longer having to carry a load of despair, resentment, and fear….

Being Positive
Much attention in early sobriety goes to admitting all our shameful behaviors and all the compulsions from which we have committed to abstain. We become so focused on what is difficult that we may overlook the successes we have each day. …