
January 30, 2021

January 30

“Changing old routines that are associated with our addiction is an important tool for staying sober.” Tools of Recovery, page 13 I…

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March 29, 2021

March 29

We may say a prayer to call upon our Higher Power for help, or we may reach out to another addict. Calling someone on the phone, even if no one is there to answer the call, is a powerful act of surrender….

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May 11, 2021

May 11

Slippery behaviors are things we do that expose us to triggers. They may not be sexual themselves, but they put us at risk to act out.

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October 15, 2021

October 15

In particularly challenging moments, committing to our sobriety for just an hour at a time is what we may need to do in order not to give in to our impulses….

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December 17, 2021

December 17

Our best thinking got us into trouble in the first place…

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May 3, 2022

The Outer Circle May-Jun 2020

Navigating Online Meetings: Using the internet to combat isolation during the COVID-19 crisis…

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Three-second Rule

This is a tool used for dealing with visual stimulation or addictive fantasy.  As we go through life, we are not in control of what thoughts pop into our minds. …

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When upcoming events seem particularly triggering, it is help­ful to arrange in advance to contact someone in SAA, both before and after.  Occasions that we might want to book-end include: family visits, parties, business obligations, dates, or travel. …

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Changing Old Routines

Most of our compulsive behaviors are intricately woven into the fabric of our lives.  Certain times of day or specific locations, people, and activities are part of our acting-out patterns.  Changing old routines that are associated with our addiction is an important tool for staying sober….

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