Self love
January 24
“We look at how we have neglected our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. We examine the ways in which we allowed…
February 7
“In writing about envy, we may look at all of the ways we compare our insides with the outsides of others.” Sex…
August 9
Having accepted both the reality of our disease and the possibility that a Higher Power can help us where our own efforts have failed, we make a leap of faith, turning to that Power for assistance….
September 8
We have seen it happen time and time again that people relapse when these simple needs of living are not considered….
September 28
Best of all, I now see my life and experience as a gift. My past, as awful as it was, is a tool that I can use to help others with similar problems….
October 1
If you are uncomfortable speaking at meetings, we strongly encourage you to talk with a member one-to-one after the meeting, to get a sponsor, and to use the phone list between meetings. Remember: you have a right to speak….
December 29
In essence, our shared experience of this Power is one of loving and caring….