Step Four
January 29
“We were often depressed and dissatisfied with our lives; we were resentful and blamed others for our unhappiness.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…
February 26
On the other side of every character defect is a character asset….
March 25
In taking the Fourth Step, we begin to know ourselves for who we really are….
March 30
We may have only been ready to face certain truths about ourselves when we first worked the step….
April 11
For sex addicts, resentment is one of the most stubborn obstacles to our spiritual growth….
April 20
And it takes gentleness in the form of self-care. By completing this step we show a commitment to our recovery and to living in reality….
July 21
We may work a Fourth Step again when we have new challenges to face or when we need to examine ourselves more closely…
August 11
An inventory allows us to go over our lives methodically and objectively, reevaluating assumptions, beliefs, and feelings that we have held onto for years but perhaps never examined or questioned….
August 30
We look honestly at the defects that drove our behavior, such as selfishness, desire for control, an attitude of entitlement, or feelings of inferiority of superiority….
September 7
In making this inventory, we take special care to identify those aspects of our character that have caused harm to ourselves and others, so as to bring them forward for healing and change in later steps…