
The Outer Circle May-Jun 2020
Navigating Online Meetings: Using the internet to combat isolation during the COVID-19 crisis…

January 14
“We find that spiritual principles can guide us in the everyday challenges of life, and they can help us face even loss,…

January 17
“In taking the Tenth Step, we commit to keeping our house in order, whether old failings reappear or new ones arise, as…

January 29
“We were often depressed and dissatisfied with our lives; we were resentful and blamed others for our unhappiness.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…

February 1
“I know that I am on track spiritually when I am able to be honest with myself and be present both with…

February 3
“A profound turning point in my recovery happened when I faced and embraced the pain of the emptiness I felt inside, which…

February 5
“When I’m in judgment of someone else, I have no peace, so I try to stick to taking my own inventory instead…

February 7
“In writing about envy, we may look at all of the ways we compare our insides with the outsides of others.” Sex…

February 17
At meetings we learn that we can trust others to know who we really are, and still be accepted by them….