Healthier sexuality

The Outer Circle Mar-Apr 2020
Better than Sex: Discovering healthier sexuality required something unexpected…

The Outer Circle, Jul-Aug 2020
The Spirituality of Sexuality: 10 ways to develop intimacy with Higher Power, self and others…

February 28
Healthy sexuality is a spiritual experience that is worth working for….

March 9
In our addiction, we experienced sex as compulsive. We felt driven, as if by an irresistible force to engage in sexual behavior rather than freely choosing to be sexual….

April 16
And as we grow in recovery, many of us choose to integrate our sexuality with our spirituality. When we are sexual with love, gratitude, and generosity, sex can be an expression of our highest spiritual ideals….

April 27
Sexuality is part of who we are, a part that became lost and distorted through our addiction. When we reclaim the possibility of healthier sexuality, we regain a vital aspect of our being….

May 8
Our disease kept us from being fully present when we were sexual.…Many of us recognize healthier sexuality when we experience something very different from what we knew in our addiction….

October 23
I am encouraged to focus, not so much upon not acting out, or even avoiding middle-circle behaviors, as on practicing a new way of living that brings wholeness and integrity to everything I do….

December 4
We find that we experience being sexual as a way to satisfy appropriate sexual needs and desires, rather than as a way to manage anxiety, self medicate, or escape….