Inner circle

January 19
“Willingness to change routines that threaten our sobriety helps us stay out of our inner circle.” Tools of Recovery, page 14 Even…

February 13
We cannot afford to be complacent or to live unconsciously….

February 21
Putting slippery behaviors in our middle circle is a way of warning ourselves when we are in danger of acting out….

February 28
Healthy sexuality is a spiritual experience that is worth working for….

April 21
For too long most of us found it familiar, almost comfortable to remain in the cycle of acting out, feeling demoralized, swearing off, and then acting out again….

April 26
We may experience abstinence from our inner-circle sexual behaviors as a gift from our Higher Power rather than as the result of our own white-knuckled efforts….

May 4
Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the sex addict who still suffers….

May 21
Obtaining and maintaining abstinence from inner circle compulsions is the bedrock foundation of all the personal growth which will surely follow….

July 7
The middle circle can be seen as a safety net, allowing us to walk the tightrope of abstinence without having to fear that a false step would necessarily be disastrous….