January 11
“A slogan that expresses one of the fundamental truths of the program is ‘one day at a time.’” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…
March 30
We may have only been ready to face certain truths about ourselves when we first worked the step….
April 19
Autonomy also means that each group has the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them at its own pace….
May 21
Obtaining and maintaining abstinence from inner circle compulsions is the bedrock foundation of all the personal growth which will surely follow….
July 21
We may work a Fourth Step again when we have new challenges to face or when we need to examine ourselves more closely…
August 2
The miracle of recovery from sex addiction becomes a reality we experience every day….
August 12
As our recovery progresses, and we gain new understanding about ourselves and our addiction, we are free to add or delete behaviors, or move them from one circle to another, in order to reflect new growth and insights….
October 22
These last two years, I have felt more hurt than at any previous time in my life. But I do not feel the guilt and shame and lack of control of actively living out my addiction….