The Outer Circle May-Jun 2020
Navigating Online Meetings: Using the internet to combat isolation during the COVID-19 crisis…
The Outer Circle, Jul-Aug 2020
The Spirituality of Sexuality: 10 ways to develop intimacy with Higher Power, self and others…
April 1
We also tried to hide our addiction from ourselves—by working hard, being perfectionists, or perhaps being very religious….
July 17
But if we are patient and open-minded, we will discover an understanding of a Higher Power that is unique to us, and that we are comfortable with….
October 19
For example, work may require that an employee use the Internet, or an SAA member might live with other people who subscribe to an online service. If we had legitimate need for Internet access, we found it helpful to be accountable to a sexually sober member of the fellowship…
November 2
I was opened up, and for me that was the secret of spirituality….
November 8
There are some behaviors which, if not addressed, will eventually lead us back to our inner circle. We call these ‘boundary behaviors….
December 4
We find that we experience being sexual as a way to satisfy appropriate sexual needs and desires, rather than as a way to manage anxiety, self medicate, or escape….