Step Seven

February 24
Whenever we ask for this help, we invite God into our lives in a new way….

February 26
On the other side of every character defect is a character asset….

May 15
We also discover that our character defects can become useful in God’s hands….

August 1
[Humility] means that we are not too proud or ashamed to believe that we can be helped….

August 11
An inventory allows us to go over our lives methodically and objectively, reevaluating assumptions, beliefs, and feelings that we have held onto for years but perhaps never examined or questioned….

September 1
Our character defects…have caused us a great deal of suffering throughout our lives and prevented us from completely aligning ourselves with our Higher Power’s will for us….

September 2
As the reality of our shortcomings sinks in, we can bring them, in humility, to our Higher Power….