
February 25
Sometimes we need to call people to help start our day. At other times, we may need to check in about current thoughts and behaviors. Some suggest calling three people every day in order to build and maintain a support system….

April 30
Seek a temporary or permanent sponsor as soon as possible to guide you in getting started….

June 5
Many of us have found that automatic interventions are better than trying to evaluate whether we are at risk for a relapse. We can make a phone call whenever we are exposed to a trigger, regardless of whether we feel like acting out….

June 14
And yet to let go of control, even a little, struck fear in many of our hearts….

November 19
Some suggest calling three people every day in order to build and maintain a support system….

November 30
The practice of making phone calls, even when you don’t have any particular reason, will make it easier when you need support. If you are having a difficult day, consider using the phone to do service….

Using the Telephone
The phone is a central tool of recovery for many addicts. If you hear a share that you particularly relate to, or find yourself in a helpful conversation, feel free to ask for that person’s telephone number for the purpose of making program calls. …