February 9
“Being a sex addict felt like being trapped in endless contradictions. We sought love and romance, but when we found it, we…
March 9
In our addiction, we experienced sex as compulsive. We felt driven, as if by an irresistible force to engage in sexual behavior rather than freely choosing to be sexual….
June 10
Asking for help releases us from the toxic isolation that drives our addiction….
July 10
We have come to realize that both extremes represent symptoms of the same disease. Whether we were acting out or not being sexual at all, our addiction involved being emotionally unavailable….
September 4
Meetings are places where we can drop our emotional defenses and get honest in a way we are rarely able to experience outside of the fellowship….
October 14
To be intimate is to let go of control and begin to have trust—trust in another person, trust in ourselves, and faith in a Higher Power….
November 9
Through our experience of God’s care and the love and care we find in the SAA fellowship, we learn the importance of being gentle with ourselves….
December 13
Throughout all of these ups and downs, I have had one huge blessing…I have had the loving support of the SAA fellowship….