August 8
Rigorous honesty…includes…willingness to be honest about what we need to do to stay sober, such as setting healthy boundaries around specific people and places….
September 4
Meetings are places where we can drop our emotional defenses and get honest in a way we are rarely able to experience outside of the fellowship….
November 9
Through our experience of God’s care and the love and care we find in the SAA fellowship, we learn the importance of being gentle with ourselves….
November 27
Live and let live’ reminds us that tolerance is an important quality to develop. It liberates us from being at the mercy of other people’s behavior….
December 7
We gradually learn to be honest about our feelings with others, while being open to their feelings as well. In the process, we learn to express our affection rather than seek power and control….
December 13
Throughout all of these ups and downs, I have had one huge blessing…I have had the loving support of the SAA fellowship….