Step Eleven
January 9
“The lightning jolts of terror I registered then, I would come to understand as Higher Power surges shocking my heart back to…
January 13
“I can take it a step at a time and gradually work my way toward spiritual health.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 324…
January 16
“In gratitude, we seek opportunities for service to God and our fellow sex addicts. Our path leads to Step Twelve.” Sex Addicts…
February 1
“I know that I am on track spiritually when I am able to be honest with myself and be present both with…
March 16
Whatever method we use, we make ourselves available to our Higher Power, opening ourselves to whatever insight we may receive….
March 17
We are free to discover what works best for us; the important thing is the goal of maintaining and improving our connection to the God of our understanding….
April 8
A growing sense of community within the SAA fellowship, and a newfound ability to live in the moment under God’s care, gives us the courage to go forward in recovery….
May 17
Any small effort we make to slow down and listen is a step towards connecting with our Higher Power, and will bear fruit in time….
May 28
When evaluating our program, we are ultimately asking if recovery is our highest priority….
May 29
To look within and embrace the many parts (sometimes fragments) of myself rather than looking for my definition in others has been an important process. I know that I am on track spiritually when I am able to be honest with myself and be present both with my feelings and with the moment at hand, no matter what it is. At these times my thoughts toward myself are like those of a loving friend….