Step Three
May 20
A newfound ability to live in the moment under God’s care gives us the courage to go forward in recovery….
June 12
Taking the Third Step means acting on our belief that a Higher Power can relieve our addiction and restore us to sanity….
June 22
When we make a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of the God of our understanding, we begin to notice signs of growth and transition, evidence that the program is working….
June 28
By practicing the principle of surrender, we can trust that God’s guidance, as expressed in our group conscience, will take us right where we need to be….
July 3
At this point in our program, we are simply willing to move forward. We decide to make a commitment to recovery, and to our spiritual growth….
July 6
In Step Three we listened closely for the still, quiet voice of our Higher Power, and learned to distinguish it from the din of our ego or the voice of our internal self-critic….
July 27
The Third Step invites us to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God, not the control of God. We are not abandoning ourselves to the direction of some powerful taskmaster forcing us to do things that are not of our own choosing. Instead, we become open to making new choices for ourselves in the light of a Higher Power’s transforming love and care….
August 9
Having accepted both the reality of our disease and the possibility that a Higher Power can help us where our own efforts have failed, we make a leap of faith, turning to that Power for assistance….
August 18
When life seems to be more than we can handle or when we feel pulled toward our addiction, reconnecting with our Higher Power is a powerful course of action….
December 25
Our specific words are less important than our willingness to make contact with a Power greater than ourselves and to let God’s care into our lives….