Tools of Recovery

May 3, 2022


Some recovering addicts make a daily practice of writing.  It often helps us clarify what we are thinking and feeling.  It becomes an opportunity to commune with the deeper parts of ourselves. …

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Most sex addicts with long-term abstinence report that their recovery is strengthened by a daily meditation practice.  It can take many different forms. …

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Let Go and Let God

When life seems to be more than we can handle or when we feel pulled toward our addiction, reconnecting with our Higher Power is a powerful course of action. …

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Defining the God of Our Understanding

Some find that the act of prayer can become more powerful if we take the time to define who God is for us.  For those who have not found a home in organized religion, this tool can be especially important. …

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Prayer provides a time for communing with our Higher Power.  Prayers may come from any tradition, be self-created, or simply be a spontaneous conversation with the God of our own understanding. …

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Living Through the Discomfort of Withdrawal

If you become abstinent from addictive sexual behavior, you may experience withdrawal, just as you would from alcohol or any addictive drug.  Withdrawal is not a metaphor.  It is a physiological phenomenon with emotional and mental compo­nents….

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Changing Old Routines

Most of our compulsive behaviors are intricately woven into the fabric of our lives.  Certain times of day or specific locations, people, and activities are part of our acting-out patterns.  Changing old routines that are associated with our addiction is an important tool for staying sober….

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Developing friendships in SAA supports us as we face the challenges of recovery.  The withdrawal process of early sobriety can be unsettling and scary if we try to do it alone. …

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Our fellowship is a society of men and women on the path of recovery.  The fact is that we need each other to stay sober.  The people we see at meetings are a lifeline for us.  They understand in ways few people outside SAA do. …

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One Day at a Time

Recovery from sex addiction rarely happens overnight.  It takes patience – a quality often in short supply for us.  Imagining that we have to find the courage to face abstinence from sexual behaviors for indefinite amounts of time can feel over­whelming….

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