Tools of Recovery

May 3, 2022


When trying to break a habit, it is helpful to substitute a different behavior.  As newly sober sex addicts, we sometimes did not know what to do with ourselves.  We were on unfamiliar ground and walking into a meeting where we did not know anyone could be uncomfortable. …

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Sponsorship moves our recovery into action.  A sponsor provides guidance and support as we experience withdrawal and as we work through the steps.  We encourage you to initiate a sponsor relationship by asking someone with whom you feel you might work well….

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The Three Circles

The Three Circles is a tool we use to define our sexual sobriety.  We organize our behaviors according to whether they are addictive, healthy, or somewhere in between. …

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The Twelve Steps

Recovery, in the full meaning of the word, comes through prac­ticing the principles outlined in the Twelve Steps.  These steps, listed in Appendix A, are the basic tools of SAA. …

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Thinking a Slip All the Way Through

In the throes of impulses toward Inner Circle behavior, our thinking becomes impaired.  All we can think about is being relieved of our insistent craving. …

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Three Things a Day

Making a commitment to use the tools of SAA to stay sober can ground each day in the principles of the program.  Attending meetings, staying in touch with our sponsor, prayer, meditation, program literature, and phone calls to SAA members are among the most widely used and are often considered the fundamental tools of SAA. …

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Three-second Rule

This is a tool used for dealing with visual stimulation or addictive fantasy.  As we go through life, we are not in control of what thoughts pop into our minds. …

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Using the Telephone

The phone is a central tool of recovery for many addicts.  If you hear a share that you particularly relate to, or find yourself in a helpful conversation, feel free to ask for that person’s telephone number for the purpose of making program calls. …

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Some recovering addicts make a daily practice of writing.  It often helps us clarify what we are thinking and feeling.  It becomes an opportunity to commune with the deeper parts of ourselves. …

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