Voices of Recovery

January 1
“Continuing to apply them on a daily basis keeps us spiritually fit and growing in recovery.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 61 The…

January 2
“Honesty, willingness, courage, humility, forgiveness, responsibility, gratitude, and faith are just some of the names we give to the spiritual principles that…

January 3
“We would spend increasing amounts of time in fantasy, which tended to alienate us from others and from a real sense of…

January 4
“Looking at areas of unmanageability in our lives can help us recognize our defects, when we identify our responsibility for events that…

January 5
“. . . Recovery does not mean that you stop having problems. Rather, you get to have problems that are not sexual…

January 6
“With spiritual awareness comes the responsibility, the desire, and the need to help other suffering sex addicts, just as help was freely…

January 7
“An important part of my recovery is to share my experience with other sex addicts who are trying to find a way…

January 8
“When we practice new ways of acting and thinking, we show that the program works, and we offer hope to others who…

January 9
“The lightning jolts of terror I registered then, I would come to understand as Higher Power surges shocking my heart back to…

January 10
“Often we may need the help of other members… another sex addict can bring us back to earth.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…