Voices of Recovery

February 10
“To make the Third Step decision is to surrender. We give up the belief that our intellect, our knowledge, our judgment, and…

February 11
By admitting that powerlessness extended to compulsive sexual avoidance, we made it possible to move from a kind of superficial abstinence into deeper sobriety….

February 12
Practicing new ways of behavior can help open our hearts to the spiritual changes God wants for us….

February 13
We cannot afford to be complacent or to live unconsciously….

February 14
We have found that one of the reasons this process works so well is precisely because we do it ourselves….

February 15
Every SAA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions….

February 15
Every SAA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions….

February 16
As we grow in humility, we gradually come to view our lives, and even our problems, with gratitude….

February 17
At meetings we learn that we can trust others to know who we really are, and still be accepted by them….

February 18
Although our experiences are different, certain aspects are common to many of us….