
January 3
“We would spend increasing amounts of time in fantasy, which tended to alienate us from others and from a real sense of…

January 10
“Often we may need the help of other members… another sex addict can bring us back to earth.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…

January 12
“Personal disclosure is easier for us when we can trust that our presence and what we share will be kept confidential.” Tools…

January 18
“The message is not that we sit passively and wait for things to happen. Rather, it is a shift in our attitude in which we admit that we don’t always know where we should be going or how we should get there.”…

February 19
In our addiction we held onto the belief that we were in control of our sexual behavior and could successfully manage our lives….

March 10
As we let go of old ways of approaching life, and trust that God will reveal new ways, many of us begin to have a greater vision of what our life in recovery could be….

June 14
And yet to let go of control, even a little, struck fear in many of our hearts….

September 11
If we are fearful, we can gently and courageously allow ourselves to consider the possibility of surrendering our familiar defects, trusting that our Higher Power will not give us more than we can handle…

September 10
For some, negative consequences of addictive sexual behaviors can become the motivation for change…