Step One
January 16
“In gratitude, we seek opportunities for service to God and our fellow sex addicts. Our path leads to Step Twelve.” Sex Addicts…
January 26
“For most of us the First Step was diametrically opposed to one of our core beliefs: that we were in control and…
February 19
In our addiction we held onto the belief that we were in control of our sexual behavior and could successfully manage our lives….
February 23
Best of all, the secret is out. There’s something liberating about sitting in a room announcing to others … that I am a sex addict….
March 3
We turn our will and our lives over to the care of God because our self-directed thoughts and actions have so often led us to acting out, negative consequences, and despair….
April 14
Some of us write a history of our sex addiction, from as far back as we can remember up to the present, trying to leave nothing out….
April 15
We learned that our First Step was both an event and an ongoing process….
May 2
Recovery from sex addiction rarely happens overnight. It takes patience—a quality often in short supply for us….
May 3
Accepting our sex addiction brings hope by acknowledging the truth and begins the spiritual journey of Twelve Step recovery….