Step One

May 2
Recovery from sex addiction rarely happens overnight. It takes patience—a quality often in short supply for us….

May 3
Accepting our sex addiction brings hope by acknowledging the truth and begins the spiritual journey of Twelve Step recovery….

May 5
If we are continuing to act out as a pattern, it is possible that we aren’t fully willing to admit powerlessness over our addiction….

June 3
With this step, we recognize that we have a disease, not a mere weakness or character flaw, and that we are powerless to change this fact….

June 18
We chose sex and romantic obsession over those things we cherished the most—including friends, family, and career….

June 29
We find now that we have to take the First Step daily in order to keep current or centered….

July 30
Some of us who rushed into the First Step later discovered this might be another expression of our need to control things and work the “perfect” program….