Step Ten
August 2
The miracle of recovery from sex addiction becomes a reality we experience every day….
November 5
Instead, we come to accept that making mistakes is a fact of life and an essential part of recovery. Step Ten says ‘when we were wrong,’ not ‘if we were wrong.’…
November 6
It isn’t always easy to know when we’ve been wrong. We may not discover the truth about our behavior until later….
November 13
Admitting our wrongs to God opens the door to change within ourselves. We have found that God will help us find the courage and honesty we need in order to work this step….
November 17
Practicing the Tenth Step helps us continue to grow in self-acceptance, self-awareness, and rigorous honesty….
December 10
History does not have to repeat itself in my life. I have choices!…
December 21
We can also work the Tenth Step by checking in regularly with our sponsor or other members, or by giving a thorough and rigorous accounting of ourselves at meetings….