Voices of Recovery
December 5
When we are quiet, we become receptive to wisdom that isn’t available otherwise….
December 6
We looked for ways to intensify the experience, forgetting that bigger highs will eventually lead to even greater suffering and unmanageability….
December 7
We gradually learn to be honest about our feelings with others, while being open to their feelings as well. In the process, we learn to express our affection rather than seek power and control….
December 8
When we admit our powerlessness, we start letting go of control and become more open to receiving the help we so desperately need….
December 9
We strive to isolate and recognize each feeling, to the best of our ability, and we practice acceptance of all our emotions, rather than denying or fearing them….
December 10
History does not have to repeat itself in my life. I have choices!…
December 11
We are grateful for this opportunity to share the precious gift of recovery with our brothers and sisters in prison….
December 12
The program tools being offered to you are the same that kept your sponsor sober, and they can keep you sober too….
December 13
Throughout all of these ups and downs, I have had one huge blessing…I have had the loving support of the SAA fellowship….
December 14
Through applying the Twelve Steps of Sex Addicts Anonymous with guidance from a sponsor, our groups and our Higher Power, sex and relation,ships slowly take their rightful place in our lives….