Step Two
August 17
The key to Step Two is not just believing in a Higher Power, but believing that this Power can and will restore us to sanity….
August 28
There really is no point at which I stop and God starts. My ego-centered life is based on fear and scarcity, but a God-centered life is based on love and abundance….
September 5
Admitting that our willpower is insufficient allows us to be open to new ways of thinking and living….
October 24
To be restored to sanity is to rediscover the spiritual nature we have always had but which was hidden by the insanity of our disease…
December 2
Over time, we establish a relationship with a Power greater than ourselves, each of us coming to an understanding of a Higher Power that is personal for us….
December 20
Step Two offers hope that sanity is possible, and at the same time it implies that, in our addiction, we were insane….
December 22
Belief in a Higher Power can be difficult for many of us in SAA who come to the program with a faith that was damaged in one way or another….
December 24
We can start to open ourselves to this idea by considering the forces that are clearly more powerful than we are, such as nature, society, or even our addiction. When we recognize that our own power is limited, we can more readily acknowledge the possibility of a Higher Power….
December 27
We had become so used to defeat and despair that we lost touch with hope….