Higher Power

January 2
“Honesty, willingness, courage, humility, forgiveness, responsibility, gratitude, and faith are just some of the names we give to the spiritual principles that…

January 10
“Often we may need the help of other members… another sex addict can bring us back to earth.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page…

January 13
“I can take it a step at a time and gradually work my way toward spiritual health.” Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 324…

January 27
“I only have to be awake enough to notice, or smart enough to remember to turn to God when I need help,…

April 24
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood God….

May 12
We loosen the grip on our old destructive patterns, perhaps not knowing yet what will replace them, but in the faith that something better will be revealed….

June 24
Humility is a result of the self-honesty we have gained through working the preceding steps. It comes from a realistic view of ourselves, a knowledge of both our strengths and limitations….

July 8
To work this step, we only need to be open-minded enough to try something new. For most of us, coming to believe is a gradual process. We don’t need to believe in any particular concept of a Higher Power in order to begin….

July 15
We find our serenity growing as we align our will with God’s in each new area that is revealed to us….